Community Calendar

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Community Calendar

August 2024

Events List

(7 Results Found)
August 1, 2024  to  August 31, 2024
5 Aug
Town Hall Closure Closure

12:00 AM| 68 Front St.

The Town Hall will be closed on Monday, August 5th for Civic Holiday. 

7 Aug
Service Ontario Closure Closure

10:00 AM| 68 Front St.

Service Ontario will be closed August 7th, 8th, 14th and 15th. We will reopen August 21st. 

8 Aug
Service Ontario Closure Closure

10:00 AM| 68 Front St.

Service Ontario will be closed August 7th, 8th, 14th and 15th. We will reopen August 21st. 

14 Aug
Service Ontario Closure Closure

10:00 AM| 68 Front St.

Service Ontario will be closed August 7th, 8th, 14th and 15th. We will reopen August 21st. 

14 Aug
Council Meeting (Hybrid) Meeting

6:00 PM| 68 Front Street

To view the Agenda, visit the Council Meeting Portal (Agenda available at 4:00 p.m. the Friday before the meeting date).  

Attend in person or email for the meeting link. 
Don't forget to watch this meeting and/or past meetings on our YouTube Channel

15 Aug
Service Ontario Closure Closure

10:00 AM| 68 Front St.

Service Ontario will be closed August 7th, 8th, 14th and 15th. We will reopen August 21st. 

31 Aug
Taxes Due - Final 1st Installment Billing Due Date

12:00 AM| 68 Front St.

First installment of final tax bill due August 31st, 2024.  

Property owners are responsible for paying their property taxes by the due date regardless if the bill did not arrive in the mail or if the due date falls on a weekend or holiday.

It is the responsibility of the owner to make other arrangements for payment if the town hall is closed on a due date. See other payment options for more information. 

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